Sublime Text 2 Plugins

For WordPress:

Some Sublime plugins that work great (so I’ve heard) with WordPress development

  • PHPtidy
    Not Worpress specific, but this little extension ensures that your code is in compliance with WordPress Coding Standards.
    ctrl + shift + P and type Tidy PHP, or you can use the ctrl + alt + T keybinding.

  • Html​Tidy
    This is a plugin allowing you to clean and tidy up your HTML code.
    ctrl + shift + P and type Tidy HTML, or you can set up your own keybinding as shown below.
  • WordPress
    Sublime Text 2 WordPress Package is a collection of WordPress snippets and autocompletions for Sublime Text 2 Original TextMate bundle
  • Search WordPress Codex
    let’s you right-click on any WordPress function and select ‘WordPress Function Reference’ to open the Codex page for this function
    ctrl + shift + P and type WordPress Codex, or right click on any function and select ‘WordPress Function Reference’.
    You can also select ‘WordPress Codex Search’ to search tje whole codex for the selected text.

For Web Development in General:

  • Bracket Highlighter
    Bracket Highlighter matches a variety of brackets such as: [], (), {}, "", '', <tag></tag>, and even custom brackets.
    Some features:
    Customizable to highlight almost any bracket – Customizable bracket highlight style – High visibility bracket highlight mode – Selectively disable or enable specific matching of tags, brackets, or quotes – Selectively whitelist or blacklist matching of specific tags, brackets, or quotes based on language – When bound to a shortcut, allow option to show line count and char count between match in the status bar – Highlight basic brackets within strings – Works with multi-select
  • Git
    Git integration. For more information about what’s supported, and how to install this, check the wiki.
    To make it work you may have to create the user setting

    {"git_command": "C:/cygwin/bin/git.exe"}
  • Modific
    Highlight lines changed since the last commit.
    To make it work, the git binaries you use have to be on the windows path.
    So add for example


    to the path if you are using cywin’s git

    Highlight changes (automatically: on save or when window gets focus)
    Show diff Ctrl+Alt+D
    Preview of the commited code for current line Ctrl+Alt+C
    Revert modification Ctrl+Alt+R
    View uncommitted files in a quick panel Ctrl+Alt+U
    Go through changed lines Ctrl+Shift+Page Up(Down)


  • GitGutter
    A sublime text 2/3 plugin to show an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted.
  • SideBarGit
    Add git commands to sidebar. Textual port of komodin extension for sublime text.
    – Right click on “multiple/single” “files/folders” of the “tree” sidebar to apply commands on selected files which maybe are from different repositories.
    – To apply commands to focused document use the document context menu.
    – Tip: If a command sends output to a tab ( example a diff ), pressing F5 on that tab: will execute the command again and refresh the tab with the new contents ( example the new computed diff )
  • SFTP
    commercial SFTP/FTP plugin – upload, sync, browse, remote edit, diff and vcs integration
  • SublimeCodeIntel
    Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
  • SublimeLinter
    Inline lint highlighting
  • Twitter Bootstrap Snippets
    A bunch of nicely described and categorized Twitter Bootstrap code snippets
  • JQuery
    help with jQuery functions.
  • JsFormat
    JsFormat is a javascript formatting plugin for Sublime Text 2. It uses the command-line/python-module javascript formatter from to format whole js or json files, or the selected portion(s).

    • javascript/json formatting (obviously)
    • all settings are customizable (whitespace, formatting style, etc..)
    • .jsbeautifyrc settings files support for even more control on a per-project basis
    • puts the cursor back in the same location it was before formatting (accounts for whitespace/newline changes)
    • Sublime Text 3 support
  • jQuery Mobile snippets
    A bunch of nicely described and categorized jQuery Mobile code snippets
  • HTML5
    HTML5 bundle
  • ColorPicker
    A multi-platform color picker plugin
    Usage:To insert or change a selected color, use:  Windows: ctrl+shift+c
  • CSSFormat
    When installed, it will create a menu item called “LP CSS Formatter <version#>” under Edit menu.
    Here is the list of standards it follows: • All curly braces should have a leading and trailing space • All colons should have a leading trailing space • Last parameter inside curly braces (even there is only one parameter) should have a trailing semicolon • All parameters inside curly braces should be sorted alphabetically • After sorting the parameters, all high priority parameters (parameters starting with ‘-’) should be moved to the top of the list and all low priority parameters (commented lines and parameters starting with ‘*’ and ‘_’) should be moved to the bottom of the list • Statements containing less than 4 parameters should be displayed on one line • Statements containing 4 or more parameters should be displayed in multiple lines.
  • Emmet 
    New features (compared with Zen Coding):

    Available actions:

    Increment/Decrement Number actions:

    • Increment by 1: Ctrl+↑
    • Decrement by 1: Ctrl+↓
    • Increment by 0.1: Alt+↑
    • Decrement by 0.1: Alt+↓
    • Increment by 10: Shift+Alt+↑
    • Decrement by 10:  Shift+Alt+↓