Installing WP-CLI on cygwin

To install WP-CLI on my Windows 7 machine with cygwin I did the following:

First, running the installer as provided by doesn’t work, since the installer cannot find php.

So instead run:

curl >

Then add the path to your php installation to the In my case it is located in the wamp directory

find_php() {
    read -r -d '' AMP_PATHS <<EOB

Then follow the instructions and add the path to .wp-cli/bin to $PATH in your .bash_profile
Also export WP_CLI_PHP  (the path to your php binary)

export PATH=/home/Ric11/.wp-cli/bin:$PATH
export WP_CLI_PHP=/cygdrive/d/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.8/php.exe

To test run:

wp --info