WordPress starter frameworks (free)

WordPress starter frameworks (free)

  1. Roots
    Roots is a starting WordPress theme made for developers that’s based on HTML5 Boilerplate, Blueprint CSS (or 960.gs) and Starkers that will help you rapidly create brochure sites and blogs. It has a bunch of excellent tweaks to WordPress, plus support for the best CSS frameworks including Foundation and 1140 Grid. This is a solid theme framework that is constantly updated and used by many developers, you cannot go wrong with it.
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So, people seem to be exited about something called ‘Grunt’…

Let’s explore.

From the Grunt website:

  • Why should you use a task runner like Grunt?
    In one word: automation. Automation of what? Well, such repetitive tasks as: minification, compilation, unit testing, linting etc.
  • Why Grunt?
    The Grunt ecosystem is huge with hundred of plugins. Coffeescript, handlebars, jade, JS Hint, {less}, require.js. SASS, Stylus etc.

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Rockstar WP – Theming

  • When designing a theme in PS, use different layers for different WP elements (e.g logo, page, featured_blog, featured, homecontent, footer, header etc)
  • Flow: design mockup -> transform to HTML -> add WP functionality
  • To show the boxes you can temporarily use a 1px red border
  • Quote: Finally because our <div> element has position:relative, we can now use  absolute positioning inside and set right:0px for the menu and it will be aligned to the right. This is great for a WordPress theme because as the person creates new pages the menu will extend, and this way it will stay right aligned.

Rockstar WP – A start

Setup a WP site:

  • Set permalink to/%category%/%postname%/   (make sure rewrite_mod is enabled in Apache)
  • Choose a spam filter. Akismet is free for personal use, but minimal 5,-/m for business use
  • Install sitemap plugin: The Sitemap plugin automatically creates an XML sitemap prepared to Google’s specification and then contacts the Google servers every time you create a new post or change the sitemap.