Roots 101 – Notes, tips, and more

1. The Theme Wrapper

The goal of a theme wrapper [3] is to remove any repeated markup from individual templates and put it into a single file. This file, base.php becomes the single, unambiguous, authoritative representation of knowledge (i.e. the base format code).

You never need to make calls to get_header()get_footer() or get_sidebar() again. You can also refactor the base format of your site by editing  base.php. Read More

Starting a new WP project with WP-Skeleton

Install using Mark Jaquith’s method. This involves

  1. Handling differing database connection details
  2. Handling plugins that can’t or shouldn’t run on a localhost

Create a local subdirectory. Then clone Mark Jaquith’s wp-skeleton into a new directory www. Or, if you already did the steps below, clone it directly from your own fork.

Note: use recursive cloning otherwise the submodule will not be cloned:
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