Thomas Byttebier – Less CSS mess

Thomas Byttebier is a freelance web designer creating minimalist and easy to use websites and user interfaces. Thomas lives and works in Gent, Belgium.

Source: Thomas Byttebier – Less CSS mess

Using much of the killer coding philosophies of CSS wizard Harry Roberts, I found a way that’s helped me keep the CSS for the web app I’m currently working on manageable, understandable and above all: highly reusable. And as the app keeps evolving, the CSS doesn’t get more complex. At most it only gets bigger, but that’s ok.

There’s basically 5 things that helped me shape up the way I code my designs enormously:

  1. coding guidelines
  2. itcss
  3. namespaced CSS
  4. BEM
  5. and documentation in a front-end style guide.

Let me go over each of them briefly in the next paragraphs.